
Dataset Format

Each sequence would provide several ‘sensors’ along with their sensor.yaml file that specifies sensor type, intrinsic and extrinsic parameters. The sensor measurements(or measurement indices, for camera) is stored in data.csv. In our case, both camera and IMU data would be provided. The vicon and groundtruth is also treated like a ‘sensor’. Here is an example:

|   |--sensor.yaml
|   |--data.csv
|   `--data
|     |--771812250517066.png
|     |--771812283849357.png
|     `--...
|   |--sensor.yaml
|   `--data.csv
|   |--sensor.yaml
|   `--data.csv


You can download from our server or Google Drive.

Motion and Scene Type of Sequences

Sequence Motion Scene Description
Xiaomi MI8 A0 inspect+patrol floor Walking and looking around the glossy floor.
A1 inspect+patrol clean Walking around some texture-less areas.
A2 inspect+patrol mess Walking around some random objects.
A3 aiming+inspect mess+floor Random objects first, and then glossy floor.
A4 aiming+inspect desktop+clean From a small scene to a texture-less area.
A5 wave+inspect desktop+mess From a small scene to a texture-rich area.
A6 hold+inspect desktop Looking at a small desktop scene.
A7 inspect+aiming desktop Looking at a small desktop scene.
iPhone X B0 rapid-rotation desktop Rotating the phone rapidly at some time.
B1 rapid-translation desktop Moving the phone rapidly at some time.
B2 rapid-shaking desktop Shaking the phone violently at some time.
B3 inspect moving people A person walks in and out.
B4 inspect covering camera An object occasionally occluding the camera.
B5 inspect desktop Similar to A6 but with black frames.
B6 inspect desktop Similar to A6 but with black frames.
B7 inspect desktop Similar to A6 but with black frames.

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Video Source From YouTube

Video Source From bilibili